In the sections below, I've assembled some information that I hope you will find helpful!
Scroll down or click the one that looks most interesting.
Welcome to the Q&A! Grab a beverage and pull up a chair!
Q - I'm new to publishing. Where do I begin?
A - Editing is not a regulated profession, so we all do it and talk about it differently. In order to avoid confusion and miscommunication, I recommend taking some time to peruse this website for my explanations of editing stages, process, and terminology. And while you are here, check out the listings of Website and Topical resources like hiring an editor, conscious language, etc. and Writing Craft resources on topics such as grammatical expletives and info dumping. Feel free to reach out with inquiries via email or the Contact form.
Communication is key. I need to have things in writing so that I can go back and reference details as well as write out considered answers. But sometimes it's helpful to hear a person's voice. We can schedule a conference call either to assess our suitability as a collaborative team before we craft the course and style of what your particular project needs or to talk things through after we've started the editing process.
Communication is key. I need to have things in writing so that I can go back and reference details as well as write out considered answers. But sometimes it's helpful to hear a person's voice. We can schedule a conference call either to assess our suitability as a collaborative team before we craft the course and style of what your particular project needs or to talk things through after we've started the editing process.
Q - Aren't all editors basically the same?
A - The world has as many kinds of editors and styles of editing as writers and stories. As you peruse my website and become familiar with my process and use of terminology, I hope you will find helpful information and get a sense of who I am as a person and a professional.
Contact me to discuss your project. You may know what you are looking for in an editor or have expectations for what an author/editor collaboration looks like. I need to know what your expectations and experiences are. For instance:
Do you like your edits to come with a significant amount of instruction/explanation?
Do you prefer simple inline corrections or that I leave my suggestions in the comments?
You can let me know before or after I do a sample edit for you. Even after I'm hired and begin the agreed-upon edits, I usually send the first chapter or two back to the author so we can fine tune the level and form of my feedback before I continue.
Contact me to discuss your project. You may know what you are looking for in an editor or have expectations for what an author/editor collaboration looks like. I need to know what your expectations and experiences are. For instance:
Do you like your edits to come with a significant amount of instruction/explanation?
Do you prefer simple inline corrections or that I leave my suggestions in the comments?
You can let me know before or after I do a sample edit for you. Even after I'm hired and begin the agreed-upon edits, I usually send the first chapter or two back to the author so we can fine tune the level and form of my feedback before I continue.
Q - Can I get a sample edit?
A - Absolutely. If we agree that your expectations and my expertise align, I'll need to do a sample edit to demonstrate what I would bring to the collaborative table, and so that I can assess where your manuscript is in the process of writing, revising, and editing. I may ascertain that your story needs more developmental editing/revision before it is ready for my services. We can discuss that assessment, weigh it against your plans and goals, and formulate a plan for how best to go forward to make your wonderful story even better. (See my sample edit section to learn more.)
Q - What if I disagree with editing suggestions?
A - It is your responsibility as the author (especially in indie publishing) to ensure that the story looks and sounds the way you want it to. It is your name on the cover. You will make the ultimate decisions about how the story goes out into the world. I respect and applaud that.
I want to facilitate your process and will try to accommodate your vision for how to improve your story. I will, of course, offer feedback, make suggestions, and explain what I think would make the message clearer and the story more engaging. Opinions, observations, and recommendations are based on my own ear, experience, and education, and I offer that feedback for the good of your story (which is what you've hired me to do).
I want to facilitate your process and will try to accommodate your vision for how to improve your story. I will, of course, offer feedback, make suggestions, and explain what I think would make the message clearer and the story more engaging. Opinions, observations, and recommendations are based on my own ear, experience, and education, and I offer that feedback for the good of your story (which is what you've hired me to do).
Honing, polishing, and tweaking the language of your story is definitely work. And having your writing scrutinized can be challenging. When you've put so much of yourself into a project, it's not fun to have someone point out ways it could be improved—no matter how kindly meant, constructive, or tactful the critique. (See inviting & dealing with critique to learn more.) Authors should be prepared to roll up their sleeves and set their egos aside for the sake of creating a better experience for their audience, which ultimately means greater success as an author.
I find the collaborative process to be satisfying and hope you will too. Though editing is not easy, it can be rewarding and enjoyable with the right attitude and company.
I find the collaborative process to be satisfying and hope you will too. Though editing is not easy, it can be rewarding and enjoyable with the right attitude and company.
Q - OK, so what happens after the sample edit?
A - If it's a green light, I may ask you to fill out a New Client Questionnaire to give me more information about your writing, editing style, and experience.
We'll then hammer out the details of service, scheduling, and payment. If we won't be working together for a while, I'll send an invoice for the $100 nonrefundable deposit to hold your spot on my schedule. (See my business policies section for details.)
We'll then hammer out the details of service, scheduling, and payment. If we won't be working together for a while, I'll send an invoice for the $100 nonrefundable deposit to hold your spot on my schedule. (See my business policies section for details.)
Q - And then ...?
A - When we are coming up on the agreed-upon, scheduled work, I'll reach out to get last-minute details, like word count, before drafting a contract for you to look over. After you sign and send it back, I'll invoice you (minus the Hold My Spot and Sample fees and any other discounts).
I'll begin as soon as you've paid and sent your manuscript in the standard format in Word (see formatting a Word Doc for how to do this) or as a PDF, depending on what service you've hired me to do.
How many rounds we do--sending the manuscript back and forth between us--depends on the service, the book, and the timeline.
I'll begin as soon as you've paid and sent your manuscript in the standard format in Word (see formatting a Word Doc for how to do this) or as a PDF, depending on what service you've hired me to do.
How many rounds we do--sending the manuscript back and forth between us--depends on the service, the book, and the timeline.
I'd love to chat with you about your writing journey.
Contact me today if you have questions
or think we might make a good team.
Contact me today if you have questions
or think we might make a good team.
NOTE - A plea to authors: whenever possible, send fully edited stories to your ARC readers.
Everyone's experience will be better if you plan ahead and don't rush the process. When calculating your timing for things, ARC readers should get at least a week (2-3 is better) to read the book. And your proofreader needs at least a week (2-3 is better) after that.
If you are asking your ARC team to write a fair and honest review of your story, you want them to be reading (and enjoying) the edited copy. It is not the fans' job (nor are they likely trained) to provide authors with lists of typos they've found. Don't put them in the awkward position of having to come to you with a list of editing issues (if they are generous with their time) or of writing a bad review (if they are scrupulously honest and thinking of the future reading enjoyment of others).
Be a good Book Friend and put your best work out there for all the world to read, beginning with your loyal Support Stars.
If you are asking your ARC team to write a fair and honest review of your story, you want them to be reading (and enjoying) the edited copy. It is not the fans' job (nor are they likely trained) to provide authors with lists of typos they've found. Don't put them in the awkward position of having to come to you with a list of editing issues (if they are generous with their time) or of writing a bad review (if they are scrupulously honest and thinking of the future reading enjoyment of others).
Be a good Book Friend and put your best work out there for all the world to read, beginning with your loyal Support Stars.
“As a first-time author, I was worried I couldn’t handle someone reading my writing. But Kate was kind, and I could tell she knows her craft! She coached me in how to bring a deeper layer to my writing and even develop my own voice as an author. I appreciated that Kate pointed out both areas for improvement and where I hit the mark to connect with her as a reader. In all her critiques, Kate’s curiosity and positivity shone through.”
- CB Mason - Aspiring Author
Q - Why do we need a sample edit?
A - Sample edits help us decide if we are a good fit. We both benefit from taking time to assess the situation (manuscript, personalities, communications styles, expectations, etc.) before deciding if we'd make a good team.
Not every proficient editor is a good match for your personality, sensitivity, writing style, or genre. Likewise, not every story is a good match for my tastes and expertise (see preferred genres). The sample also affords me the chance to assess the stage your manuscript is in, which I need for fee and scheduling calculations.
Not every proficient editor is a good match for your personality, sensitivity, writing style, or genre. Likewise, not every story is a good match for my tastes and expertise (see preferred genres). The sample also affords me the chance to assess the stage your manuscript is in, which I need for fee and scheduling calculations.
Q - Would this sample edit be free?
A - While some editors offer a free sample edit (I used to as well), I now charge $50.
Editing is my business, and I expend ample time and effort on a sample edit and the manuscript in general, providing helpful feedback and suggestions while getting to know it. Believe me, I give value for money!
But if a writer decides to hire me, I'll happily apply the $50 toward the cost of the editing service.
Editing is my business, and I expend ample time and effort on a sample edit and the manuscript in general, providing helpful feedback and suggestions while getting to know it. Believe me, I give value for money!
But if a writer decides to hire me, I'll happily apply the $50 toward the cost of the editing service.
Q - How do we get started?
A - If you want me to do a sample edit, please fill out the Contact form here on my website. Sharing information about yourself and your writing, right off the bat, saves us both a lot of time and back-and-forth emails.
Q - What happens then?
A - If I think I can help, I'll invoice you and ask that you send your manuscript in a formatted Word document (see formatting a Word Doc for how to do this). I'll look it over, getting a sense for what your story needs. Then I'll offer edits, feedback, and suggestions on approximately 1,000 words.
Q - Will you be honest in your assessment of my writing?
A - Absolutely. Sometimes a story needs more work before it's ready for a line or copy edit. Some writers might benefit from working with a writing coach, a developmental editor, or a critique group. The story concept might be brilliant, but it will not work if the structure is unsound or the characters are undeveloped no matter how pristine the punctuation or lovely the language is.
If you are unsure if your book is ready for a line/copy edit, or if you know it has some issues, you might hire me instead to do an Alpha Assessment or a Basic Beta or Beta Plus reading instead of a sample edit.
Some writers might benefit from working with a writing coach, a developmental editor, or a critique group. The story concept might be brilliant, but it will not work if the structure is unsound or the characters are undeveloped, no matter how pristine the punctuation or lovely the language is.
If you are unsure if your book is ready for a line/copy edit, or if you know it has some issues, you might hire me instead to do an Alpha Assessment or a Basic Beta or Beta Plus reading instead of a sample edit.
Some writers might benefit from working with a writing coach, a developmental editor, or a critique group. The story concept might be brilliant, but it will not work if the structure is unsound or the characters are undeveloped, no matter how pristine the punctuation or lovely the language is.
Q - What will the sample edit look like?
A - Using MS Word's Track Changes, I look over the sample and offer commentary or suggestion—both inline (right in the text) and in the margin comments. It will not be a comprehensive edit, nor will it be “perfect” (which, of course, is not possible). This is a sampling to illustrate my style and the types of feedback I can and will provide.
Along with this single-pass edit sampling, I will offer:
Along with this single-pass edit sampling, I will offer:
- my assessment of what editing stage your writing is in and whether I can help (as I mentioned above, I will let you know if I think you need to take a step back and do some more revising before hiring an editor)
- an estimate of how much time I think it will take
- an estimate of when I could fit the project into my schedule
- an estimate of how much it will cost
Q - Then ...?
A - You can look everything over (dialogue is welcome) and decide:
- if my feedback is helpful (would you prefer more or less explanation?)
- if my style of critique works with your personality (while sometimes blunt, I am never unkind)
- if you agree on the type and stage of recommended editing service (communicate your thoughts on this - perhaps we can work something out)
- if the proposed project fee works with your budget (while my rates won't change, I am happy to point out ways you can save money by doing more yourself before sending me the manuscript)
- if my proposed scheduling works with your timeline (I'm sometimes booked out for months)
We may schedule a discovery call at some point along the way to help us get a better sense of whether we would be a good collaborative fit.
And if you decide I'd be a helpful and fun companion on your journey toward publication, then I'll issue an invoice for a nonrefundable deposit of $100 to hold that spot on my schedule (if it is a month or more out).
When we get closer, I may ask you to fill out a New Client Questionnaire, which is designed to give me more insight into your project and you. If you've filled out a Contact form from my website, some of these questions may be redundant, but it helps me to have the information all in one place. The better I know you, your goals, and your editorial needs, the more helpful my comments and suggestions will be.
I hope to hear from you!
And if you decide I'd be a helpful and fun companion on your journey toward publication, then I'll issue an invoice for a nonrefundable deposit of $100 to hold that spot on my schedule (if it is a month or more out).
When we get closer, I may ask you to fill out a New Client Questionnaire, which is designed to give me more insight into your project and you. If you've filled out a Contact form from my website, some of these questions may be redundant, but it helps me to have the information all in one place. The better I know you, your goals, and your editorial needs, the more helpful my comments and suggestions will be.
I hope to hear from you!
"Kate has a way of connecting with your work that enables her to spot developmental, line, copy, and proofreading issues that others might miss."
-Author Lisa-Marie Cabrelli
BFF Editing Business Policy Details:
- See rate calculations section for insight into how fees are determined
- $50 sample edit fee applied toward/deducted from cost of full editing service
- $100 nonrefundable fee to hold your spot on my schedule - applied toward/deducted from your full editing service fee (I can pencil you in without it but can only hold the spot with a deposit)
- discount on further contracted services after a Basic Beta read or Alpha Assessment
- 50% (minimum) due before commencement of services (including utilization of BFF Beta Brigade) - Balance due upon receipt of completed project
- Rate discussion: Clients not based in the US, let's talk about standard editorial rates in your country.
- Payments accepted internationally via Wise by preference, or PayPal. For NZ authors, bank transfer is fine.
- $100 project fee minimum
- $20/hour consultation fee for requested conference calls or extensive correspondence
- $30/hour spot check fee for additional or bonus material of projects I've edited
- $40/hour for editing material of less than 10,000 words
- 5% discount off your next project if you refer someone and they hire me
- 30% surcharge for rush work
- Any revisions prior to submission of manuscript that result in more than 5% of the original word count (as noted in contract) requires a reevaluation of schedule and price
- Prior approval required to include my name/business in book credits
- Series Security - Whatever rate I quote at the beginning of your series (for a particular service—e.g., a Content Edit or Final Polish—and not including Special Deals) will continue for the duration of your series, or up to four years, whichever comes first
What can you, as an author, do for BFF Editing?
- Providing a style sheet or a list of decisions you've made on spellings, capitalization, formatting, character or world-building details, etc. is very helpful. I'll incorporate those into my style sheet.
- For my own growth and development, I appreciate post-project feedback regarding your experience of working with BFF Editing—Google form provided.
- I'd be eternally grateful for a testimonial for my website, a review on my Facebook or LinkedIn page, and a recommendation of my services to your fellow authors.
Let's chat about your writing journey and how I might help.
“As a first-time author, I was worried I couldn’t handle someone reading my writing. But Kate was kind, and I could tell she knows her craft! She coached me in how to bring a deeper layer to my writing and even develop my own voice as an author. I appreciated that Kate pointed out both areas for improvement and where I hit the mark to connect with her as a reader. In all her critiques, Kate’s curiosity and positivity shone through.”
- CB Mason - Aspiring Author
Authors and their manuscripts are unique. I tailor my editorial services to each project and take many things into consideration when calculating estimates, such as the complexity/level of edit needed, the word count, the turnaround time, how much fact checking and consultation is likely to be required, etc.
However, the Editorial Freelancers Association in the US provides a guideline for industry standard rates, and BFF Editing fees for fiction fall within those professional editing ranges -
If you are interested in getting feedback on an earlier draft of your manuscript, I offer -
See the Miscellany and Add-ons section of my Services page for descriptions of these services -
If none of these quite address your needs, just ask, and we'll try to figure something out.
For clients not based in the US, let's talk about standard editorial rates in your country. I accept payments via Wise by preference, or PayPal. For NZ authors, bank transfer is fine.
Check out my business policies. I'm willing to discuss payment installments. And please take advantage of the savings in my packaged services!
You might want to peruse the articles in the hiring an editor section of my Topical Resources Page.
Be sure to reach out sooner rather than later to ensure a spot in my schedule.
However, the Editorial Freelancers Association in the US provides a guideline for industry standard rates, and BFF Editing fees for fiction fall within those professional editing ranges -
- $20-30/1,000 words for a copy edit (which I refer to as a Copy Cleanup)
- $25-40/1,000 words for a line edit (which I call a Content Edit and which includes copy edits)
- $10-20/1,000 words for proofreading (which I've dubbed a Final Polish).
If you are interested in getting feedback on an earlier draft of your manuscript, I offer -
- a Basic Beta Read for $8/1,000 words
- an Alpha Assessment for $10/1,000 words
- a Beta Plus for $12/1,000 words or with the Book Map Add-on, $15/1,000 words
See the Miscellany and Add-ons section of my Services page for descriptions of these services -
- Book Map (added to Beta Plus service) - $15/1,000 words
- Blurb Refurb - $30/hour
- Consultation - $20/hour
- Hook Help - $30/hour
- Spot Check - $30.00/hour
- Smart Style Sheet - $ dependent on specifics of the project including genre, and manuscript length
If none of these quite address your needs, just ask, and we'll try to figure something out.
For clients not based in the US, let's talk about standard editorial rates in your country. I accept payments via Wise by preference, or PayPal. For NZ authors, bank transfer is fine.
Check out my business policies. I'm willing to discuss payment installments. And please take advantage of the savings in my packaged services!
You might want to peruse the articles in the hiring an editor section of my Topical Resources Page.
Be sure to reach out sooner rather than later to ensure a spot in my schedule.
“I’ve been on the lookout for that special pair of eyes that can catch the mistakes, the time-warps, the dangling participles, the soft spots that I can miss . . . Reliable, easy to work with, diligent, and always sensitive to your pride of authorship, Kate demonstrates that she’s as committed as you are to creating the very best version of your book.”
-Author Divalle Curie
This policy explains how BFF Editing uses and protects the information gathered by the website host, Weebly, when you visit this site, as well as any personal information you provide when you contact BFF Editing or when you send files to edit.
If you are asked to provide information, BFF Editing will use that information only in the ways stated in this policy.
This privacy notice was last updated June 2023.
Your Privacy:
Your privacy is important to us. To better protect your privacy, we provide this notice explaining our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used.
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Should you decide to work with BFF Editing, we will need to collect certain basic pieces of information about you in order to operate as a business. Such information as:
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How I store your data:
My Gmail account stores your contact email address and any conversations we have. These details are not stored anywhere else.
If we sign a contract, your name and postal address will be stored on a hard-drive in a password-protected electronic folder secured by Norton electronic security software. This will in turn be stored in a password-protected computer behind a firewall. Invoices will be stored in the same way.
Financial Information:
BFF Editing customers pay via Wise or PayPal, both of which are password-protected online payment systems.
You can read Wise’s privacy policy for more information about how it stores and uses your details.
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Links to third party websites:
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Changes to this Privacy Statement:
The contents of this statement may be altered at any time, at our discretion.
If you have any questions regarding this privacy notice, you may contact us at [email protected].
If you are asked to provide information, BFF Editing will use that information only in the ways stated in this policy.
This privacy notice was last updated June 2023.
Your Privacy:
Your privacy is important to us. To better protect your privacy, we provide this notice explaining our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used.
When visiting BFF Editing, the IP address used to access the site will be logged along with the dates and times of access.
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Why and when BFF Editing collects data:
Should you decide to work with BFF Editing, we will need to collect certain basic pieces of information about you in order to operate as a business. Such information as:
- your name
- your email address
- your postal address
- any information you choose to share about your project
I use your data to:
- contact you regarding your project
- send invoices and electronic copies of your project
- anonymously assess how my website is used by visitors
How I store your data:
My Gmail account stores your contact email address and any conversations we have. These details are not stored anywhere else.
If we sign a contract, your name and postal address will be stored on a hard-drive in a password-protected electronic folder secured by Norton electronic security software. This will in turn be stored in a password-protected computer behind a firewall. Invoices will be stored in the same way.
Financial Information:
BFF Editing customers pay via Wise or PayPal, both of which are password-protected online payment systems.
You can read Wise’s privacy policy for more information about how it stores and uses your details.
You can read PayPal’s privacy statement for more information about how it stores and uses your details.
Links to third party websites:
We have included links on this site for your use and reference. We are not responsible for the privacy policies on these websites. You should be aware that the privacy policies of these sites may differ from our own.
Changes to this Privacy Statement:
The contents of this statement may be altered at any time, at our discretion.
If you have any questions regarding this privacy notice, you may contact us at [email protected].
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