Q - What is the BFF Editing Basic Beta Read?
A - The Basic Beta is NOT an edit. Some people use the term beta read in other ways, but my definition is spelled out here: beta readers, Beta Brigade, and editing stages.
Q - So what is it, then, if not an edit?
A - Now and then I have a bit of wiggle room in my schedule that allows for a single read-through of a story (preferably sent in the standard Word format).
I set aside my metaphorical red pen to just read your book and offer feedback from a professional perspective with a few suggestions thrown in for good measure (e.g., “This is a bit confusing” or “I love how you describe this!” or “I think this conflicts with what you said earlier?” or "You made me tear up!")
I set aside my metaphorical red pen to just read your book and offer feedback from a professional perspective with a few suggestions thrown in for good measure (e.g., “This is a bit confusing” or “I love how you describe this!” or “I think this conflicts with what you said earlier?” or "You made me tear up!")
Q - When and why would a writer hire someone to do a beta read?
A - This service is appropriate early in the self-editing stage to get feedback on whether things make sense and are hitting the mark. It fits into the process before hiring an editor.
While I may make some editing suggestions regarding things that jump out at me, let me reiterate: This is not an edit. But unlike your Aunt Matilda, I'll give you constructive feedback in a timely manner. :)
I will probably notice and flag some general patterns, but at this stage of self-edits and re-writes, a lot can change, so I won't scour your manuscript for typos or comma splices. This is mostly just me giving feedback as a thoughtful, experienced reader because I love a good story. Maybe I’ve mentioned that. ;)
BONUS: If you hire me to edit this manuscript within six months, I’ll apply a discount to those additional services.
While I may make some editing suggestions regarding things that jump out at me, let me reiterate: This is not an edit. But unlike your Aunt Matilda, I'll give you constructive feedback in a timely manner. :)
I will probably notice and flag some general patterns, but at this stage of self-edits and re-writes, a lot can change, so I won't scour your manuscript for typos or comma splices. This is mostly just me giving feedback as a thoughtful, experienced reader because I love a good story. Maybe I’ve mentioned that. ;)
BONUS: If you hire me to edit this manuscript within six months, I’ll apply a discount to those additional services.
Q - What does this service cost?
I charge $8/1,000 words for a Basic Beta read of your manuscript. (See fee calculations for an explanation of how fees are reached.)
Looking for constructively critical
yet supportive and encouraging feedback?
Contact BFF Editing today to start the conversation!
yet supportive and encouraging feedback?
Contact BFF Editing today to start the conversation!
“I’ve been working with Kate since 2018, and her beta reading services always exceed my expectations. Her comments are clear and easy to understand, and she makes me feel like I have a true partner in making my story come to life. I HIGHLY recommend her.”
- Author Tamsin Ley
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