Q - What is a Content Edit?
A - A Content Edit is a multi-phased evaluation of the big picture, plus line-by-line and word-by-word commentary and correction (using Track Changes in a Word document) of developmental and substantive issues (sometimes also called line editing).
It includes:
It includes:
- editorial reader commentary
- option of getting more eyes on your story from early on with my BFF Beta Brigade
- multiple rounds of line and copy edit suggestions/explanations made inline and in the margins using Track Changes
- simple style sheet detailing word and style choices, lists of characters, and world elements in an expandable format, shared on Google docs
- follow-up consultation/spot check/cleanup
Q - What does that look like?
A - A multi-phased evaluation means, generally speaking - in the first round I will look over the whole manuscript with an eye for developmental issues. On the second and third rounds I look at substance and flow. I will also check for inconsistencies, patterns, homonyms, passive verb construction, overused words, etc. In the third round of edits I focus more on line edits - style and syntax.
Developmental Editing - feedback regarding:
- cohesiveness
- believability
- narrative voice
- flow
- pacing
- continuity
- clarity
- consistency
- point of view
- vocabulary suggestions
- writing patterns
- the need for more or less description
- obvious verb tense discrepancies
Substantive Editing - assessing and suggesting ways to:
- organize content
- reduce triteness or wordiness
- ensure clarity of meaning
- check for consistency
- enhance flow and cohesion of the narrative
- assess naturalness of the dialogue
Q - Who might benefit from this service?
A - This service deals primarily with the meat and bones of the story.
Writers who have their own critique groups to help them with plotting and organization, or those on a tighter budget who have another resource for proofreading, or those who plan to submit their story for traditional publishing would all benefit from this level of edit.
Writers who have their own critique groups to help them with plotting and organization, or those on a tighter budget who have another resource for proofreading, or those who plan to submit their story for traditional publishing would all benefit from this level of edit.
*If you'd like to take advantage of my Beta Brigade, getting their feedback could take place during or after my first round of edits (i.e., after we've tidied things up a bit). Keep in mind when calculating timelines that beta readers usually need a few weeks to read and report back.
Check out my Service Packages for savings if your story needs a broader scope and degree of edits.
See Rate Calculations page for explanation of how fees are reached.
See Rate Calculations page for explanation of how fees are reached.
Do you need a knowledgeable, friendly collaborator
on your journey toward publication?
Contact BFF Editing today!
on your journey toward publication?
Contact BFF Editing today!
“Kate was insightful, clever, and supportive of my work. Reading Kate's commentary and thoughtful edits felt like sitting down with a good friend over a latte to chat about my book.”
-Author Samantha MacLeod
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